Авторы: Сугаков Глеб Константинович
Степень (должность): Бакалавр
Место учебы/работы: Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет
Аннотация на русском языке: Активность инвесторов является важной характеристикой присутствия страны в регионе. Анализ пространственного распределения активности российских инвесторов в странах Африки показывает, что присутствие российского капитала в них на данный момент незначительно. Хотя интерес к Африке в России в последнее время возрос, говорить о «возвращении» в регион пока преждевременно. По мнению автора, «возвращение» возможно лишь в случае пересмотра концепции традиционных инвестиций, единственной целью которой является извлечение прибыли, в пользу концепции социально-преобразующих инвестиций.

The summary in English:
Investor activity is an important characteristic of the country's presence in the region. Analysis of the spatial distribution of Russian investors ' activity in Africa shows that the presence of Russian capital in the region is currently small. There are no Russian investments in 21 countries of the region, the rest are dominated by investments in the mining industry and power generation. Nowadays there is no trend of growth of investment activity of Russian investors in Africat. However, interest about Africa has recently increased in Russia. Scientists, experts, representatives of the business community, and, most importantly, the authorities are talking about that, but it is too early to note Russia's return to the region. According to the author, return is possible only in the case of revision of the concept of traditional investments, the only purpose of which is profit, in favor of the concept of impact investing that take into account social, environmental and governance factors and focused on the medium and long term. Russia should see Africa as a space for various business projects and expand the horizons of cooperation by developing infrastructure in these countries. As the example of China shows, only with such an approach is it possible to build a presence in modern Africa. The Foreign Minister of Russia Sergey V. Lavrov announced a number of political agreements with the African Union, which should be considered as a long-awaited opportunity to form Russian policy in Africa. One of the main pillars of this policy should be impact investing.

Ключевые слова: российско-африканские отношения, прямые инвестиции, социально-преобразующие инвестиции
Key words: Russian-African relations, direct investment, impact investing

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